Italy not a good example of PR system

I found it curious and in fact amusing that John Morrison based his arguments against proportional representation on Italy.

Re: “System of government we have is a good one”, (Citizen, Sept. 30)

I found it curious and in fact amusing that John Morrison based his arguments against proportional representation on Italy.

Italy is not a typical case by any means, being a country that is at best a loose confederation of many small states and a country whose most powerful ethos is a total distrust of government.

Italy is libertarianism run riot, with the predictable result that virtually nothing that those in government attempt to do is actually accomplished.

Better examples of governments selected through proportional representation are Germany, which until recently was regarded by almost everyone but Americans as the best run country in the world, and New Zealand.

New Zealand has used the MMP form of proportional representation (the same form as Germany) and has prospered under it, although owing to an abnormality it managed to elect a majority conservative government in its last election, proving that even proportional representation cannot prevent periodic acts of electoral madness.


Mark Hazell


Cowichan Valley Citizen