It’s a battle that must be won

Editor: As a concerned citizen not backed by “foreign intervention”, I was insulted by the words of Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver.


As a concerned citizen  not backed by “foreign intervention”,  I was insulted and angered by the words of Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, who, along with the Harper government, is condemning people who are not in favour of the Northern Gateways pipeline project.

Billions of gallons of bitumen pumped to Kitimat from the Alberta oil sands, then loaded onto tankers to traverse the stormy waters to Asia and southward, is a disaster ready to happen. Sooner or later, the super, natural shores of our province will have to face the horrible situations previously experienced in the Gulf of Mexico, Valdez, Alaska, the Brittany coast, etc.

Yes, jobs will be created and certain communities will benefit.  But, in the long run, the risks are simply too high.

Those of you who fear for our future environment because of this project must make your voices heard through government officials, the media, and interaction with others. It will be a tough fight to defeat the rich oil interests, but it’s a battle that must be won.

L.C. Phillips, Surrey

Peace Arch News