It’s a monstrosity

Development proposal does not belong in uptown Qualicum Beach

Why, when they consider themselves to be the saviours of the Qualicum Beach community, do the members of the cabal of three (councillors Dave Willie, Bill Luchtmeijer and Mary Brouillette) seem to be so intent on getting themselves un-elected at the next civic election?

And why do they continue to ignore the wishes of the majority, as embodied in the Official Community Plan, (OCP) when they were elected as representatives for the community as a whole, and not just the developers?

I have yet to talk with a local citizen who favours the plan for the empty lot by the town hall.

Most people call the proposed building “monstrous” (the nicest word among the words chosen to describe it).

Few would argue that this lot should not be developed, but to replace an eyesore with an even worse eyesore is unconscionable.

It is patently out of proportion to all nearby developments, including the town hall. Moreover, this building does not fit the local ambiance, something that the residents of Qualicum Beach treasure, but that the three councillors apparently scorn.

However, as things appear to be signed, sealed, and delivered,  the most we can hope for is that this proposal is a bargaining position, and that to mollify the local citizenry the developer can lop off a storey.

Regrettably, that would still leave a hugely ugly building in a prime location in the town.

A thank you must go to Mayor Teunis Westbroek and Coun. Scott Tanner for opposing this boondoggle and faithfully representing the majority of the local citizenry.

Dave Hitchcock

Qualicum Beach




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