It’s a wonderful flag

Many Canadians don't think about how our flag came to be

On July 1 Canadians rallied around our nation’s flag without giving much thought to the history woven into its design.

Much like the story about the creation of Canada itself, the story about the creation of our own flag is filled with lots of divisive quarrels and controversy.

Opinionated groups, especially our federal political parties, berated belittled and badgered each other about what would constitute an appropriate design.

In 1965 we finally got the national flag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf and l’Unifolié. Canada’s official colours of red and white were proclaimed by King George V in 1921.

Red was taken from Saint George’s Cross and white from the French royal emblem.

Most Canadians value tolerance and reconciliation. We endure boisterous bluster because it inevitably results in a workable solution based on compromise.

Canada has a fantastic flag to remind us what a wonderful country we live in. O Canada, we all have an obligation to stand on guard for thee.

Lloyd Atkins





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