It’s all about choices

God does not take pleasure in the heartaches and tragedies of life

How can there be parents when children make poor choices and encounter bad situations?  How can there be a government when people evade taxes and disobey the law in countless ways? How can there be a God with so much suffering in the world?

None of the above statement-questions make any sense at all.

I know that one of the most difficult things as a parent is letting go of your children knowing that the road will not always be smooth.

I suspect that one of the constant tensions of government is the process of taking direction to see a stronger, more prosperous society in the midst of a cultural value which preserves freedom.

I’m certain that God does not take pleasure in the tragedies and injustices we face.

If parents insulated their children from all germs, potential harm, bad influences and the need to make any decisions, we would not applaud them as loving but rather abusive.

If a government guarded its citizens from any independence of direction or decision, we would call it a dictatorship or military-rule.

Why then would we assume that because bad things happen in the world God doesn’t care or that there is no God?

At the same time, God, just as we would anticipate loving parents and effective governments would do, sets in place boundaries and guidelines for our safety and so that we can live fulfilled, joyous lives.

The simple truth is that children, citizens, people sometimes make choices contrary to these boundaries thus negatively impacting themselves and others.

These decisions tend to have a compounding effect shaping the culture of a family, community and even nation. We all live with the consequences of our own and others’ sin.

In the midst of this, the God who honours our freedom of choice continues to beckon us, continues to reveal His love and goodness, continues to say, “Come back to my ways;” “Come back to me.”

I am absolutely convinced in the presence of God and that His character and ways are good.

Think about it.  “Love your neighbour.”  “Take care of orphans and widows.”  “Choose life.”  “I will give you rest.”  “Be healed.” (These are some samples from the Bible of who God is.)

My response to this beckoning was to acknowledge my own wandering from God’s ways — to recognize my sin — and then to confess that God’s ways are best.

This is the beginning of a new life, of being born from above. Jesus talks about this as recorded in chapter 3 of the Gospel of John in the Bible. Check it out.

We will continue to live in a world with injustice and suffering, but there is a God who yearns for me to walk in relationship with Him in bringing relief and healing to this world. That’s His longing for you, too.



Brian Robertson is a pastor with

the Christian Fellowship Centre.


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