It’s humans we need to train and educate

Dogs need training, screaming and yelling doesn't work

Editor, The News:

Re: ‘Not the pit bulls and Rottweilers that scare me’ (Letters, July 27).

The heading should have read, ‘Not the pit bulls and Rottweilers that scare me, but humans.’

It’s amazing to me to read this letter and see how the blame is being directed towards the dogs, and not the humans that are raising and training them.

It’s the exact same thing when there’s a vehicle ‘accident,’ and the blame is put on weather conditions or some other lame excuse, when the majority of the time, it’s simply human error.

Dogs need to be trained and socialized properly from a young age, but the problems that occur stem from the owners who are raising them.  It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to properly train animals, and yet it’s so easy to see how many owners allow their dogs to basically do what they want, when they want.

Screaming and yelling at the dog isn’t going to solve anything, and will just make things worse in the end.

It’s the humans who need to be trained and educated, so they can then apply that knowledge when training their dog.

Brett Daly

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News