It’s no time for catastrophic mistake

I need to explain exactly why electing an NDP or Liberal government would be the most catastrophic mistake in Canadian history.

In response to recent letters in the paper, I feel that as a 20-year-old Canadian I need to explain exactly why electing an NDP or Liberal government would be the most catastrophic mistake in Canadian history.

Entering high school centre-left, I graduated centre-right. I came to leave behind my leftism and focus on what’s practical. The more you look at history, the more history proves that when business does better so does the common man.

History also proves that NDP governments have failed every time at fiscal management and have created massive problems that the next fiscally responsible government winds up having to fix. They then suffer the brunt of the people’s anger for having to make the tough decisions to get the economy back on track.

The Liberals have another problem, a man who has never held an executive office in his political party, who has only been a MP since 2008 and who was elected, in my opinion, solely on his surname.

I don’t think there is a single person alive who doesn’t want to make the world a better place, but unfortunately the real world just doesn’t work the way that the NDP or the Liberals want it to.

I understand people’s desire to better the world, but the fact is that bettering the world doesn’t mean we will ever have a utopian society. All it means is that we can solve problems little by little. I encourage everyone at the ballot box on Monday to seriously consider if they want higher taxes, fiscal mismanagement and pandering to special interest groups or responsibility and stability.

The world is going through major economic and geo-political problems. The stability and security of Canada is in our hands.

Liam RichardsonNanoose Bay

Parksville Qualicum Beach News