It’s not all negative in Salmo

"As Salmo has been generally cast in such a negative light as of late, I felt the need to write to clarify a few points."

As Salmo has been generally cast in such a negative light as of late, I felt the need to write to clarify a few points.

Not everything in Salmo has a negative spin. Salmo has many dedicated volunteers who ensure the smooth operations of our ski hill, curling club, community events and organizations, children’s and youth programs, and countless family events.

Also, Salmo’s former council, although they’ve been blamed for the problems of the world, were also dedicated community members who gave numerous hours of their own time and energy to the governance of the village.

This included several newly paved roads through the municipality, a new state-of-the-art medical clinic, agreements with environmental and local government groups, emergency management plans, capital asset management plans, major infrastructure upgrades, and a new municipal office.

Finally, if you listen to the radio interviews and council meetings, you’d think the previous staff and council had done nothing but run Salmo into the ground. While most of the Salmo residents are aware that this is a fallacy, what is the rest of the world thinking of Salmo?

As a previous member of council, I have taken an oath to be silent on land, legal and labour issues, and I take this oath very seriously. But, it’s not a fair playing field to have shots taken at those who cannot defend themselves as a result of this oath.

And, I’d like to clarify the points that have been broadcast. Salmo did not, nor has ever had, numerous “lawsuits.”

There were only two pending at the time of the election, one of which the new mayor has settled, seemingly over lunch at a local restaurant, as observed by many residents.

There is now another lawsuit, however it is a result of the new council’s actions, not the former council.

Let’s also take a look at the financial services agreement with the City of Nelson – this agreement was intended to streamline processes, ensure reporting compliance for the ever-growing requirements and provide access to those with the proper professional designations without the cost of a full time accountant on staff.

However, at a public meeting prior to the election, the now mayor stood up and told everyone that this agreement was “illegal,” and he went so far as to say he’d spoken with an individual from the City of Nelson financial services office. He even gave her name! You can imagine our shock, and hers, when she was informed and responded with the fact that she had never heard of this man, let alone had spoken with him.

This was also in the midst of the now Mayor’s predictions of a “financial crisis,” although a quick look at any of the financial statements, which are very public, and anyone can see a different and true story, in that the municipality has been responsibly managed.

There is more than one side to the recent radio interviews, even though they’re not provided nor asked for.

Salmo is a great community to raise your children in, commute to or from, or retire in, despite the new “leadership.”

It would be prudent for those residing in Salmo for such a short time to familiarize themselves with the history and achievements of long standing community members prior to throwing their name on the election ballot in an effort to fix the misconceived problems. To all residents, of any community, please involve yourself in local politics to find the true stories, rather than trying to turn the rumours into facts!

Janine HaughtonSalmo

Trail Daily Times