It’s summer, so chill out

Recent news items seem to show a town that has turned off the think switch

Dear Sir:

The summer season of slack thought has sidled in. Three examples in the first issue of the Terrace Standard since the solstice sweat the brain.

First, Mayor Carol Leclerc bemoans the stalled construction of affordable housing here and roasts the developer and the over-heated market.  But were housing really of interest to our City administration, it would work on city-built, like COPE in Vancouver.  Partner with First Nations and even the provincial and federal governments, tho’ not the present stew.

Second, MP Nathan Cullen, in his letter to the editor on Canada Post, would reverse Stephen Harper’s cuts, even tho’ CP has shown profit in 19 of the last 20 years.  Steamed up, Jack and Jane Canadian will burst, “What?  Reverse?  That mean the NDP wants Canada Post to lose money again?”  It’s now summer, remember, and Jack and Jane are likely thinking more of beer, BBQ, and the beach.

Maybe our MP’s staff were themselves when they let that slip thru parboiled.

Last, where did those doves that Centennial Christian grads released, per tradition, come from?  Caught in the wild?  Not likely, and totally unethical anyway.  Coop-raised, then, which makes for excellent survival skills now they’re free; sure, and hawks don’t hunt.  Or maybe they’ll just coop again, which makes the CC grad ritual a parody of imprisonment.

Anyway, don’t sweat it.  Have a beer.  Chill.  Slack-thought season excuses us.

Dr. David Heinimann,

Terrace, B.C.



Terrace Standard