It’s time to get back to a fair, rational system

Letter from a frequent writer Wayne Clark. He won't be voting for the B.C. Liberals!

Editor, The News:

As a political centrist and traditionally a Liberal voter, I have been feeling more and more estranged from my political comfort zone, partially since Gordon Campbell high-jacked the B.C. Liberal brand. I can no longer hold my head up when I am asked what party I support, at least provincially.

I have been slowly pushed to the closest party to the centre of the political spectrum that exists in B.C. I have finally made the decision to join the NDP.

B.C. needs desperately to return to the centre – centre-left or centre-right – where it has been for most of my life. We have to stop the privatizing at any cost, stop the lies, deceit and corruption, get rid of the HST as the people of B.C. voted for now, stop the free ride for business and sweetheart deals they have enjoyed under the so called B.C. Liberals. Stop the current shell game with the deficit and B.C.’s budget. No more disastrous P3s, and last but not least, the gutting of workers and union rights has to stop immediately and allow the much needed worker and union input into the economy.

The provincial government must stop its lapdog attitude with Prime Minister Stephen Harper, especially on things like the tried and failed concept of making the penal system Canada’s only growth industry.

Communism failed with the collapse of Russia and now predictably Neoconservative Capitalism and it’s voodoo economics has suffered the same fate as well. The sweet spot is in the centre of the two extremes and it is time for us to get back to a fair, rational system, where we can all thrive and prosper, without the crushing decimation of the middle class and the grinding poverty of the poor, a fair living wage for a man’s honest labour.

Is that unreasonable or to much to strive for ?

Wayne Clark

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News