It’s time to get trucks off 16 Avenue

Truck traffic should be taken off 16 Avenue and placed on Fraser Highway.

Editor: Enough is enough. It’s time to get truck traffic, all truck traffic, off the rural road that is 16 Avenue and onto Fraser Highway, which was designed for trucks.

The fatalities involving two people on Thursday, whose vehicle was hit head-on by a dump truck, just west of 208 Street, is the final straw.

We have seen at least one major incident per month along 16 Avenue since moving into the area in March, 2011, with the vast majority related to trucks (including one that ended up in our friend’s yard along 16 Avenue near 212 Street).

The road is simply not designed for trucks, nor are the drivers of these vehicles respecting required speeds for their vehicles on this narrow roadway.

Please get involved in any initiative, voting or pressure on your local politicians to take 16 Avenue out of truck route designation.

This has worked on other roads in the Lower Mainland and lives have been saved. There is no need for trucks on 16 Avenue, other than local deliveries.

It has become a short-cut by those wishing to avoid Fraser Highway and 0 Avenue (now that traffic calming is in place on the latter). No more lives need be lost.

Michael Davies,


Langley Times