It’s time to overturn pot laws

Thank you to Ryan Scott and Lisa Leger (Letters, March 16) and Scott Harrison (Letters, March 14)

Thank you to Ryan Scott and Lisa Leger (Letters, March 16) and Scott Harrison (Letters, March 14) for shedding some light on the marijuana issue.

Mayor Lefebvre, it is great to be so law-abiding. I agree if you are speaking about fair, reasonable, realistic laws. However, like our marijuana laws, that should have made marijuana legal 30 years ago, there are some unreasonable, unrealistic, unpopular laws that must be disobeyed to cause change.

It is too bad that Rosa Parks could not come to discuss the issue with you. I am sure that Rosa would understand Marc Emery and his wife and many others suffering from the same discrimination. Do you think residential school survivors would recommend obeying the power establishment again? It was the law!

And the trumped up cleanliness charges to close the small business here in Parksville? It was spotless when I was in there last week; I finally found a balm I apply to my knees that has completely taken away the lingering pain, and you close this small company down? Thanks, mayor.

Ed Fergusson


Parksville Qualicum Beach News