It’s time to step up for North Okanagan facilities

Vernon student would proudly contribute towards new sports and cultural facilities in the North Okanagan

Our community is facing a series of critical decisions that will essentially define the character of where we all call home.

The potential sports facilities at Okanagan College, the state of our recreation complex, and our cultural institutions (art gallery and museum) have been at the forefront of our collective attention recently and it is time to pull the trigger.

Yes, I know that in order to capitalize on these projects we will have to borrow money, a lot of it.

We can do our very best to fundraise and find other sources of funding but in the end we will all feel the burden of responsibility for our community.  Do not shy away.

This is not a time for half measures or putting things off.  In fact part of the reason why the costs look high is because so much of what needs to be done has already been put off time and time again.

How long has the art gallery needed a new home?

How much of the museum’s collection remains in storage?

How many youth sit at home because our precious few facilities are overbooked or closed for repairs?

We do ourselves no service to hold back the true glory of our communities.

I urge each of you to support these community projects to their fullest and make sure we build an amazing place to live and learn.

This plea is not limited to the residents of Vernon.

Each community of the North Okanagan will benefit from these works and should feel the obligation to contribute what they can.

We all need to put our money where our mouth is, I am a student and cannot afford much right now but I would be proud to contribute what I can to make this happen. I say it’s time to step up and acknowledge our collective identity and live life to the fullest.

Dustin Griffin



Vernon Morning Star