It’s tough to get their attention


Re: Other drivers kept coming, Dec. 12 letters.


Re: Other drivers kept coming, Dec. 12 letters.

Letter-writer Deborah Skaey is absolutely right when she writes, “…the flashing amber lights are simply not catching people’s attention.”

I’m not sure whether they’re all staring at their phones, or they have an unwarranted sense of entitlement that leads them to mistakenly believe that they have a right to drive as fast as they want and no one has the right to make them slow down or stop – just ask any road crew.

I’ve noticed that the speed-limit signs on Crescent Road have become invisible to drivers, as most seem to be driving at double or triple the limit.

I even took the step of dangling bicycle reflectors below several signs in an unsuccessful attempt to draw drivers’ attention to them.

Maybe the only thing drivers will notice is a police officer handing them a ticket or impounding their vehicle for exceeding the speed limit or driving through an occupied crosswalk.

Fines will boost government coffers and make the roads safer, thus lowering health-care costs and taxes for those of us who respect others and obey the laws.

Jerry Steinberg, Surrey



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