Jack Layton sets example to live by

As we grieve over the loss of a true statesman, Jack Layton, let us not be distracted from his example

Editor, The Times:

As we grieve over the loss of a true statesman, Jack Layton, let us not be distracted from his example. He taught us to be aware, and to be even more on guard of our social values, needs and rights – also our responsibilities.

Let us honor his memory by doubling our efforts regarding access to Medicare, public and higher education, public media (Friends of CBC, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives), global warming and world ecology (Suzuki Foundation, Council of Canadians); and basic human needs such as food and shelter.

Let’s remove “partisan labels” and religious traditions, and let’s work together to make our communities, our country and the world more humane, for we humans and for nature.

After all, we are here to be stewards of God’s earth!

Fran McRae

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times