Beau on some rocks. (Joan Alexander)

Beau on some rocks. (Joan Alexander)

Joan Alexander: Asking for prayers for the pooch

Sometimes I chuckle when someone asks me to pray, send energy or offer a blessing.

“Pray for Our Dog. Bless My Boat. Send Energy to Me.”

The Prayer Tree — Leunig

Sometimes I chuckle when someone asks me to pray, send energy or offer a blessing. Who am I to do these things? As a Spiritual Director, do my prayers carry more weight than yours? Will my blessing ensure that your boat floats? If I send energy and light to you, will you rise from your despair and dance? I wonder.

Yet, a few weeks ago I went on Facebook and asked for prayers for our little dog, Beau. A KAAP (Kootenay Animal Assistance Program) rescue dog that adopted us :). A terrier and dachshund mix, Beau is a bundle of energy, drama and delight. He loves to run and explore the trails around Castlegar, is a co-chaplain at a children’s summer camp, spends most weekday mornings at a little church in our city, and welcomes every new international student that joins our family for a time.

After a particularly exciting walk recently, Beau came home with one eye closed. Later that night, he became lethargic and could hardly stand. We called the vet at 3:30am on a long weekend and were able to bring him in early the next morning. Budget? What budget? Whatever it takes, we said, just please let him be OK.

He had surgery to remove a thorn in his cornea and came home drowsy and sad. Our house was quiet, even the cat seemed a bit concerned, and our tears flowed as if we had had thorns in our eyes, too.

I asked for prayers for Beau and many, many Facebook friends replied. Others emailed and phoned – word travels fast in the Kootenays. After several days, Beau began to perk up again. The first morning that he chased the cat down the hall, we knew we were over the worst of it. Were prayers answered? I wonder.

When there is so much hurt in our broken world, how dare I ask for prayers for a dog? Because, no matter whom we pray to or what we believe in, when we reach out for energy, blessing or prayer, we unite and become stronger — more able to face whatever is ahead. This is not something I wonder about — this I know for sure!

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