Job action is evidence we need to dismantle unions

Letter to the editor on columnist's comments regarding BCTF

Re: BCTF indoctrinating our kids (B.C. Views, March 7)

This editorial stands out as much for its substance as it does for the writer’s admirable, and  seldom-encountered refusal to soften, to mitigate, to lessen the potential impact of what he has to say.

And everything that is in Fletcher’s column had to be said.  It also must be repeated again and again, until both governments and the vast, non-unionized, ‘silent’ majority (70 per cent plus) of the people (in B.C. and beyond) get the “message.”

Perhaps then the latter will realize that being held to ransom by any union (let alone public service ones) is not an inevitable option, and will make this clear in loud and aggressive terms (learned from the union movement) to the former. And then, perhaps, the federal and provincial governments will, at long last, find the courage to confront (and, if necessary, dismantle) the socially and economically destructive, long-discredited union movement.

For the time being, though, the premier of this province must deal harshly and swiftly with the BCTF. Already, the incomprehensible delays have been egregious; hopefully, they will not have set a precedent for the Prime Minister in preparing to tackle yet another one of Air Canada’s insatiable unions.

Zoltan Roman


Saanich News