JobFest in Williams Lake aims to educate

Donna Barnett looks forward to JobFest, which comes to Williams Lake on Stampede weekend.

Summer is near and it’s that incredibly exciting time of year for 17- and 18-year olds across the province. As the school year comes to an end I would first like to congratulate all of this year’s graduates. It is a very important time in your lives and there are endless opportunities ahead of you.

One of the most interesting ways the province has ever conjured to get youth excited about their futures and educated about opportunities is JobFest. Rolling into the Cariboo Chilcotin this June, this interactive, rock concert-themed mobile jobs event is sure to turn some heads — and not just because it’s accompanied by headlining rock talent.

JobFest aims to educate youth aged 15-25 about labour market trends and upcoming career opportunities in our province. Over the next decade, there will be more than one million job openings in B.C. — we want to make sure youth know about these opportunities and have the skills they need to fill those positions. JobFest also offers an engaging exhibition that features presentations and guest speakers, inspiring youth stores, interactive career discovery tools and games, and various information displays. JobFest staff are extremely knowledgeable about the many resources and services available for jobseekers in B.C., and are always willing to answer any questions. They may even give you some free JobFest souvenirs such as t-shirts and DVDs. JobFest will be at the Williams Lake Stampede from June 29 to July 1, in Quesnel July 4 and 100 Mile House on July 6. It’s time to get excited about your futures! Be sure to check it out!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank the BC Liquor Distribution Branch for helping fundraise for local dry grad events throughout my riding. Cariboo-Chilcotin School District 27 received $10,943 from the BC Liquor Store’s Support Dry Grad campaign to support alcohol-free high school graduation celebrations in their communities. This is no doubt a time to celebrate, but it’s vital that these celebrations are safe and responsible. To the class of 2012, congratulations! You’ve come a very long way and have bright futures ahead indeed. I wish each and every one of you the very best.

Donna Barnett is the Liberal MLA for the Cariboo-Chilcotin.

Williams Lake Tribune