John Phillips perfect for dog park

Readers says both dog owners and dogs love John Phillips Memorial Park



Re: Resident rallies for municipal dog park (News, July 2)

I don’t know any dog owners who “have been howling for a park for years.” Not sure if Herb Haldane has a dog either.

We have a beautiful John Phillips Memorial Park, and both dog owners and dogs love it. It’s a space allowing social distancing and different activities for people and dogs.

So what kind of park that needs to be “installed” are we talking about?

A fenced dog run, where all size dogs will be crowded in a small bare space that will soon lose all its vegetation and will be full of dogs barking and fighting?

I’ve seen such parks in big cities, and trust me, they are neither a dogs’ or dog owners’ dream. More like a prison yard.

Seeing that John Phillips is the only off-leash park in the area, I urge all dog owners to protest the idea and start a petition, if necessary.

Let’s save the district $15,000 and all Sooke dogs the torture of a fenced run!

Nina Leshinskaya


Sooke News Mirror