Join others in saying no to the genetically modified apple

Dear editor,

On Feb. 13, 2015 the US government approved plantings of the genetically modified (GM), “non-browning” apple.

The apple, which does not brown for 15 days or more after slicing, was developed by Okanagan Specialty Fruits of BC; rights were sold to US biotech company Intrexon, on Feb. 27, 2015 for $41 million, $30 million in stock of Intrexon and $10 million cash. This GM apple is not yet approved in Canada. The BC Fruit Growers Association officially opposes the GM apple.

Apple lovers everywhere want apples to look fresh only when they are fresh. We do not want an apple which was cut two weeks ago!  While it might look good, one does not know what composition has changed inside. A GM apple is not the natural fruit we know and trust.

Sixty-nine per cent of Canadians surveyed in 2012 don’t want the Canadian Federal Government to approve the GM apple. Are you one of them?

Please join me in asking Health Canada to make the right choice; to stand up for Canadians’ health and Canadian fruit growers and refuse approval for the GM apple.  For more information visit

Signed, an Angry Apple Lover

Linda Cheu



Comox Valley Record