Join smart meter backlash

If you are concerned about smart meters and missed this information elsewhere, there are two stop smart meter initiatives you can support.

Re: Smart meters

If you are concerned about smart meters and missed this information elsewhere, there are two stop smart meter initiatives you can support. The Citizens for Smart Technology have a petition for a moratorium on smart meters at Help them reach their goal of 100,000 signatures by February 14. The second initiative at is a recall smart meter petition. You can go to the website to pre-register for a smart meter recall initiative. The next recall initiative won’t be allowed till 2013.

The smart meter has two antennae. One is 900 MHz and is stronger, by many times, than a cell phone. This antenna transmits to the hydro transmitter and to other homes, emitting many thousands of signals a day.  The zigbee chip operates at 2.4 GHz, and connects with appliances in your home, gathering data on the appliance you are using, how long you use it, the make, etc. See and for more information.

C. Postnikoff



Nelson Star