Join the resistance against radiation

Join the resistance against radiation

Remember that the truth can often be much stranger than the wildest fiction.

Join the resistance against radiation

Re: “Let’s demand protection from radiation.”

Lucas Morgan is so right! We must demand protection from radiation.

Everything in creation, even the planet and all of us living on it, are electromagnetic and vibrating at our own unique signature frequency. Some specific frequencies can cause glass to shatter, turn concrete to dust or be extremely disruptive to our immune systems causing illness. Others can be used to promote healing and wellness or manipulate our thoughts and emotions.

The smart meters installed on our homes a few years ago operate close to the range of frequencies used in microwave ovens. Think about that one for a minute!

Imagine a world run by a small group of wealthy powerful (people?) who have gained control of Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Agra, Big Media and the Military Industrial Complex. They have placed themselves above the laws that they impose upon the rest of us who are kept as a slave labour force.

Now, with robotization and replication, seven billion slaves are no longer needed and much too hard to keep under control. It’s time to cull the crowd down to a manageable size.

Aha, the perfect solution! A smart phone on every body, a smart meter in every home and an iPad in every child’s lap (right next to their reproductive organs). Softkill. Dumb brutes will never know what hit ’em. It’s “green,” it’s “smart” and of course it’s all for your convenience, entertainment and security and look Ma, no wires! And look a little closer Ma, maybe no grandchildren either.

Think I’ve been reading too much science fiction? Remember that the truth can often be much stranger than the wildest fiction. I would encourage any readers who are rolling their eyes at this point, to follow the advice of Lucas Morgan and “look in to this matter with an open mind.”

There are many hidden sinister threats facing humanity at this time of which electromagnetic radiation is only one. Nevertheless we must expose these threats, one by one, and demand not only protection but an end to the genocidal agenda of the psychopaths who have seized control of our beautiful planet. Join the resistance and may the force be with you.

David Work

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen