Journalist: send in the army

Mt. Polley cleanup action needed before rain and snow

To the editor:

This is an open letter to federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq.

I’m a journalist in the Cariboo region of British Columbia and am writing to encourage the federal government to take some leadership action on the clean up of the Mount Polley Mine tailings pond breach that occurred Aug. 4, 2014.

I’ve written an opinion piece about this incident and the lack of action by powers that be. I believe they are understaffed and not taking this devastating breach of mining effluent into our pristine environment seriously enough.

My question to the federal government, why not bring in the army to give the manpower needed. And yes, send the bill to Imperial Metals whose ineptitude caused the problem.

Meanwhile the salmon are returning to Quesnel Lake and the Fraser River system, and action is needed imminently before the rain and snow make it impossible to do anything. Quesnel Lake and Mount Polley are located in the Interior Rainforest of B.C., so the region is subject to heavy precipitation.

I am writing this as an open letter to you, and copying it to the Prime Minister and our MP Dick Harris (Cariboo-Prince George).

Please take some action on this as the federal environment minister and demonstrate to us that you recognize the seriousness of this environmental disaster.

Sage Birchwater

Williams Lake




100 Mile House Free Press