Judge all drivers fairly

It's not just young people who drive poorly

When Oceanside residents were faced with the questions, “Do you think there’s a stereotype towards teen drivers and is there generally a problem with the way that youth drive?” The answers were generally yes and no.

Although teenagers are thought to be in a lot accidents, it was discovered this common theory is not necessarily accurate. After questioning approximately 60 people, age 17 to 75, on the situation, the responses indicate there is an additional age demographic that may be also responsible. These responses coincided with a local police officer. He stated when comparing youth and other people in the community they were equally as hazardous — just in different categories. 

Many people felt it was someone else, in particular the elderly. 

Both the retirees and the teenagers accuse each other of being Oceanside’s worst drivers. There were some exceptions from both sides that admitted they were at fault. 

Many people that were interviewed expressed youth seemed to be driving more safely and following the rules because they fear they might lose the privilege. Many teens thought that the N process (which is two years) was extended for too long, therefore they were extra cautious of getting speeding tickets or anything else that could potentially elongate their N progression. Almost all people surveyed that were over 30 years of age, thought that the N process was a sufficient amount of time to learn all the rules of the road and to gain experience.  

 It would appear from our questioning that although youth drivers may occasionally have their faults — such as speeding, too many passengers or conducting unsafe manoeuvres — they are no more of a hazard than any other drivers. The stereotype that teen drivers speed excessively and as a whole are reckless may be overstated. 

This being said, many individuals believe teens are, overall, safe drivers and don’t see more faults compared to any other drivers on the road. It was expressed that sometimes teens made a majority of errors from a lack of experience as opposed to over confidence. It would appear that teen drivers have been judged too harshly over the years and that all drivers on the road have their faults, not just teen drivers.

        — editorial by Carly Nellist and Ceileidh Stevens, students at KSS.


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