Judge past performance

Why would anyone vote for B.C. Liberal candidate Dan Ashton just to “get rid of him” as mayor?

Why would anyone vote for B.C. Liberal candidate Dan Ashton just to “get rid of him” as mayor? Elevating Mayor Ashton to the position of MLA would mean rewarding him with a fat salary and perks, including a gold-plated pension.

And if you are not happy with Mr. Ashton’s performance as mayor of Penticton and chair of the RDOS, do you really want him representing our communities at the provincial level? Really, he needs to stick around to deal with the hockey dorm situation, our ever-increasing street potholes and Penticton’s now-diminished public reserve funds brought on by his so-called “zero tax increases”.

Most importantly, Dan Ashton would have little or no influence as an opposition MLA in the realization of the much-needed PRH expansion, especially when he spent taxpayer dollars and valuable time pursuing a regional prison, when our regional health care facility should have been his priority.

In other words, do we really want an MLA with such a limited view of economic development and such obvious disregard for public preferences?

Benoit Robert





Penticton Western News