Just bopping along at Nicholson Elementary

This have been very busy for students, parents and teachers at Nicholson Elementary.

Janne Arlt

Principal Nicholson Elementary

Many young preschoolers and their caregivers came to the school on Monday, April 29 for Ready, Set, Nature.  Jane Powell, environmental educator, and Kara Hunt, kindergarten teacher, organized a morning of crafts and music, plus some outdoor play.

On Wednesday, May 1, 66 Nicholson students from kindergarten to Grade 7 – all members of the Nicky Boppers Skipping Club – travelled to Edgewater Elementary School to perform their jump rope skills and tricks.  They were well-received and also got an opportunity to teach some of their skills to students there.  Thanks to the hard work of their coaches, Mrs. Donna Williams and Mrs. Britt Olson, all season.  There will be a final performance of the year for Nicholson parents at our school on Thursday, May 16 at 2:00 p.m.

On Friday, May 3, it was our Bike Safety Rodeo.  Mr. Andrew McCarthy organized a great day with help from our Grade 6/7 students.  Troy Durand of the RCMP reviewed Bike Safety rules with each class, Jon Simson from Derailed Bike Shop checked over bikes for mechanical safety and volunteers from LP Safety Committee helped students go through some tests of their biking skills and provided juice and cookies for participants.  Debbie Gudjonson and other members of the Brain Injury Awareness Association were also on hand to display student posters from their Helmet Safety contest.  First place students in each class were awarded helmets as prizes and everyone enjoyed the freezies from them!  Thanks to all that contributed to the success of the event.  Students should be ready for a safe and fun biking season!

Last night was our Kindergarten Information Night for parents.  It’s a good time to register your child for kindergarten in September, if you haven’t already.  We will be inviting them for a visit on June 5 so they can get a little preview of their school.

This Friday, May 10 is our annual Nicholson Spring Fling from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.  All are welcome to come and enjoy the various activities, from cake walk and dime toss to pony rides and BBQ.  Parent volunteers are appreciated, just call the school if you can help in some way.  Cakes for the cake walk are also needed.  This is always a great time to have fun and visit with friends.  We hope you can make it!

Thursday, May 23 is the Nicholson Staff’s chance to say thank you to all parents, volunteers and community groups that have supported us in so many ways over the course of the year.  We are hosting a luncheon at the school from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. on that day.  Please RSVP by returning the bottom of your invitation, calling the school or sending a note with your child if you can make it.

This week you will be receiving a phone call or written informal report of your child’s learning.  We encourage you to call your child’s teacher if you would like an interview or have any questions or concerns.

The next few weeks are jam packed with field trips, swimming program, fun day and many other year-end events!  We try to communicate about all these happenings through newsletters and notices, etc. but if you’re not sure about something, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

Golden Star