
Just don’t change address for most things

What do you suppose would happen if you simply didn't change your stationery or signage

Just don’t change address for most things

To Greg Clifford and Cheryl Kothlow,

Re: City of Duncan’s demand for change of address

What do you suppose would happen if you simply didn’t change your stationery or signage, or notify clients and suppliers?

My guess is not much. Clients, new and old, would still know where to find you as they always have. You’ll still get your mail delivered to your mailbox (Canada Post knows). And as for first responders, they don’t look for driveways, they look for the building and the best entry into the establishment.

It seems to me the only ones put out would be City of Duncan. But don’t worry they’ll still know where you are.

John Carver


Cowichan Valley Citizen