‘Just excuse to keep hospital pay parking’

The hospital is not convenient to anything other than itself.

Editor, The News:

Re:  ‘Parking Letter misses point’ (The News, Nov. 6).

Mayor Ernie Daykin, to think people would go out of their way to park at Ridge Meadows Hospital and use it for park and ride, or any other use, doesn’t make sense.

I am tired of him trotting out this same statement over and over again, as an excuse why we have to have parking fees at the hospital.

The hospital is not convenient to anything other than itself. It is not close to any mall, Rona is across the Lougheed Highway and has it’s own parking, limited though it may be.

Are people going to park at the hospital just to walk their dog? Where is the transportation nearby that would entice people to use this as a means of using park and ride?

These are just excuses to continue charging a parking tax on the sick who have no choice when they have to go to the hospital, or on their relatives or friends who take them or visit them.

It’s a lot of money to gouge from the people of Maple Ridge who need medical services at the hospital, and it is time to put an end to this practice.

I hope Coun. Corisa Bell continues putting pressure on council. The people of Maple Ridge need her to speak for them, as the mayor no longer does.

Joan Carr

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News