Just not impressed

Qualicum Beach councillor would never have been elected like this

I have watched local politics for 10 years now, since moving to the Oceanside area from Nanaimo.

John Chambers, in his letter, (The News, June 26) congratulates Coun. Dave Willie for his behaviours. These behaviours do appear, to many people, to be juvenile and are not at all “refreshing.”

It reminds me of our House of Parliament in Ottawa, where there are many juvenile behaviours as well. As a Canadian and a voter, I find them very un-refreshing, juvenile and embarrassing.

Mr. Chambers goes on to say that “he was elected on a reform platform and is following through with promises to his electorate.” I cannot imagine any Qualicum Beach resident that would knowingly elect a man to behave like a juvenile and carry on a personal vendetta against an obviously popular mayor, leader and a man of integrity.

Had Mr. Willie disclosed a promise to carry on like he has been, he would not be sitting in council.  If this is the behaviour of a reformer, I would want no part of it at any time under any circumstance.

Personal vendettas have no place in politics, where the elected official is supposed to be working for the good of the entire community, not subverting it.

Dana McComber


Nanoose Bay



Parksville Qualicum Beach News