Just say no

Resident opposed to an amphitheatre next to the college in Coldstream

The proposed amphitheatre site is a slippery slope.

I’m all about the arts, and welcome more of it in Vernon, but in this case, let’s think this through.

Here’s what we know. The gully is steep and already unstable due to the grade of the slope and the makeup of the shifting soil.

The blasting and building on the site will significantly change the stability of the hill, create a drainage problem and certainly disrupt the neighbourhood and the animal habitat.

Planting trees as a sound barrier will have little to no impact. Sound rebounds and rises, and it will be heard for a mile down and around the gully. Classical music and dance events rarely fill their venues in Vernon and the likelihood that the organizers will honour their proposal and stick to the quiet arts, dance, theatre and classical music is unlikely and unrealistic.

To be profitable, they’ll bring in whoever will ring the cash register — likely rock concerts. They also hope to entice thousands of people to hop on the bus to attend those concerts; really? The majority will come from afar and come by car, to an area not prepared for the traffic, and with only limited on-site parking.

So, where exactly will they park?

I live in Vernon, but not anywhere near the college, and recognize from all I’ve read and heard, that the destruction of the gully and disruption to the quiet community around it is unnecessary. I vote against this site. Surely, there’s better locations to consider.

Martha Moore



Vernon Morning Star