Just say no

Resident opposed to the twinning of Kal Tire Place in Vernon

The Civic Arena replacement study was completed in June, 2014.

Now the panic for action.

It acknowledges that Kal Tire Place has a present deficiency of 84 parking slots, and if the addition to the north went ahead, the final deficiency would be 185 spaces after eliminating the landscaping along 43rd Avenue.

No detailed geotech had been done on the north and on the west of Kal Tire Place but the estimates just for site servicing were $835,000 for the north and $1 million for the west (the latter including $250,000 for access to Old Kamloops Road).

Both plans need access to Old Kamloops Road.

Many of the present politicians are responsible for the failure to resolve the issue of the Kin Race Track (land that is owned by local government).

The taxpayer has had to absorb $75,000 in legal fees via the City of Vernon and $125,000 in legal fees via Regional District of North Okanagan, all related to resolving the race track issue and RDNO, with support from many of the present politicians, put the issue on hold in 2013, stating there was no urgent need to proceed.

Then came the excessive cost overruns and poor planning for the track facilities at the college (in excess of $8 million) that should have ultimately been built at the Kin Race Track.

These same politicians have not seen fit to advise us as to what they would do with the Civic Arena in the event the new sheet of ice is approved, and what costs may be involved.

They have not told us what funds are needed in the future for the art gallery and the museum. They have not told us when a new police building is required.

In short, they have not done their homework and think they can achieve their aims without informing the taxpayer of the high financial demands in the near future.

The water plan is still unresolved and may well end up with having to borrow $100 million.

Stop the panic. Spend the $50,000 per year to keep the Civic going. Resolve the Kin Race Track once and for all and present the taxpayers with a list of estimated future capital expenditures covering the next 10 years and include what will happen at the Civic Arena site.

The present proposal is very close to $14 million and that is before cost overruns take place.

Vote no.

Barry Beardsel



Vernon Morning Star