Just say no to one-way routes

Resident doesn't believe one-way networks will improve traffic in Vernon

Although at a quick thought,  a one-way couplet system may seem like a good idea for Vernon, I would like to get you past that quick thought to the reality that it is not.

First of all, the cost would be immense.

The interchange on the north end of town would have to be torn down and redesigned.

Every intersection would have to be reconfigured for a one-way set up.

Think of how much it costs to add an advanced green arrow.

On the south end of town, we would have to extend 27th Street over Polson Park and somehow connect by the army camp at the top of the hill.

What would be gained by all of this cost?

You would now have four lanes of busy one-way traffic instead of four lanes of busy two-way traffic.

This system would not reduce the amount of traffic moving through our city.

In fact, it would move north-flowing highway traffic along 27th Street, increasing transport truck traffic in front of Beairsto Elementary.

It is true that we have traffic issues in the city near certain intersections that should be improved.

I think we need to focus on improving the areas of most concern, such as the intersection near the Vernon Square mall.

And possibly in the future, move the highway traffic along a bypass.

Joel van der Molen


Vernon Morning Star