Justice denied

There should be provisions in the law that allows officials to carry out their duties according to their conscience and discretion

Taking children away from a family on flimsy evidence of abuse and then returning them after a judge decided on the innocence of the parents is more than a miscarriage of justice. Justice delayed is justice denied, fits here.

This is the action of a police state, where the public is at the mercy of government employees that act like thugs with apparent impunity. Governments were created to protect us from abuse by government employees and individuals, and to that extent, government employees swear an oath. If they engage in practices that do harm to the people they are supposed to serve, then they should be personally and financially liable for their actions, and that includes police, judges, social workers and politicians.

There should be provisions in the law that allows officials to carry out their duties according to their conscience and discretion. Corruption amongst government officials at any level should be punished most severely, especially when conscientious government employees are prevented from investigating corrupt colleagues.

Rolf Loth





Penticton Western News