Jane Linden

KCR: Volunteering keeps you active

Kelowna Community Resources shares stories of its volunteers in a weekly column

Jane Linden moved to West Kelowna four years ago, having retired from the health care field.

A volunteer most of her life, she quickly started giving back to her new community as a way to meet people and to stay busy and productive.

Like many volunteers, Jane is a serial volunteer, helping at a variety of organizations, including the Central Okanagan Food Bank, the Gospel Mission, Teen Challenge Men’s Addiction Shelter, Trinity Church and Helen’s Acres Farm.

“Volunteering improves my well-being, keeps me active in the community, keeps me fit and really is enjoyable,” said Linden.

“So many grateful people appreciate what you do.”

Even during COVID times, there are ways to volunteer that are safe for everyone.

To find out more about volunteer opportunities, get in touch with KCR Community Resources and we can help you get started and to find the perfect opportunity.

Don’t let age get in the way – there are opportunities for those younger and older, and everyone in between.

There are hands-on, safe opportunities and there are great virtual or volunteer-from-home opportunities.

The best thing is just to get started.

Check out the Volunteer Connector to search for cool ways to give back or contact us at KCR and we can connect you.


Is tech your jam? Why not help a senior to bridge the digital divide? Both Peachland Wellness Centre and Lake Country Health are currently running technology mentorship programs that is helping seniors learn to use technology to stay connected, especially while they are social distancing.

Maybe pen and paper are more your thing? Kick it old school and become a Pen Pal with a senior at Lake Country Health. If you prefer, LCH can also connect you with seniors for visits and phone calls.

These programs are so appreciated by isolated seniors.


How about honing some of your professional skills?

Accountants, human resources specialists and strategic consultants are being recruited by the Lake Country Art Gallery. You will have the opportunity to make a difference by supporting a growing arts organization to successfully delivery its programs to the community in a sustainable way.

You will be a highly valued and appreciated member of a small, lively and dedicated team You can find out more at www.kcr.ca or call us at 250-763-8008.

Dorothee Birker is the communications and development coordinator for KCR Community Resources, a multi-service agency offering programs and services to meet community, family and individual needs. You can contact Dorothee Birker at 250-860-4911 or email dorothee@kcr.ca.

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