Keaton’s a ‘shining example’

I am writing in response to the Dec. 30 article in the Abbotsford News, ‘Boy buys presents for hospitalized children’.

I am writing in response to the Dec. 30 article in the Abbotsford News, ‘Boy buys presents for hospitalized children’.

As the child life specialist on pediatrics at Abbotsford Regional Hospital, part of my role is to make the hospital a little less scary and a little more fun for the children who spend time here.

I try to normalize the hospital experience, including making holidays in the hospital the best they can be.

Through the generosity of people like Keaton de Jonge, holidays in the hospital can feel special to our patients. What I find particularly inspiring in this case is the way Keaton, at such a young age, took the initiative to do something for his community; a goal he works toward all year, not just at Christmas time.

An amazing amount of thought and consideration is put into the gifts he selects, making sure the presents can be used and appreciated, even if the children are bed-bound.

Keaton is a shining example of the difference one person can make, at any age.

On behalf of the pediatric staff, I would like to thank Keaton again, and to further thank all or our generous donors this holiday season.

Reyna Webb

Child Life Specialist, ARHCC

Abbotsford News