Keep an eye out for officials


Re: White Rock eyes waterfront cameras, June 14; Only one opposes cameras, June 28.


Re: White Rock eyes waterfront cameras, June 14; Only one opposes cameras, June 28.

I applaud the councillors who are proposing security cameras along the promenade and pier.

Regarding monitoring, I suggest they make viewing available on a public website. Those who are no longer able to walk the promenade could monitor activities and turn in alarms when they see criminal activity, such as dog walking, penny flattening and seagull feeding.

At the same time, I urge installation of 24-7 security cameras and microphones in the homes and vehicles of city councillors. This may seem drastic, but let’s face it, occasionally we hear of politicians resorting to dysfunctional activities. Some have been known to lie to electors, then renege on election promises – monitoring would help us determine if their promises were sincere or political Pablum.

Other politicians have made secret deals with developers or contractors. Monitoring would guard against that.

A few politicians have compromised their decision-making ability by drinking alcohol – former prime minister Sir John A. Macdonald indulged – and ingesting mind-altering drugs. Some politicians suffer from dementia – former president Ronald Reagan. Some have dysfunctional families which can alter their moods and perhaps compromise their decision-making ability.

Twenty-four hour monitoring would reveal these lapses in behaviour and aid the voter in choosing responsible, squeaky-clean councillors at election time.

Mobility-challenged seniors could monitor these cameras and raise the flag when criminal or other dysfunctional activity is spotted.

No doubt this would result in much better government.

Robert Ramsay, Surrey

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Re: Private rights vs. public wrongs, et al, July 5- 24 letters.

Further to the letters published in the Peace Arch News, I feel compelled to add my voice.

My gosh, when was the last time that you heard of a shooting, or a stabbing, or a mugging, or some other serious crime happening on our beach?

This kind of thing doesn’t happen in this magical place. It’s one of the reasons we love it so much.

Where’s the value of cameras? What would be prevented?

There will always be fires on the beach, and as far as I know, there haven’t been any incidences to date on the promenade that would warrant cameras.

Why in the world would the city want to spend money on something of no perceived value when the focus is supposed to be on eliminating waste?

Aren’t parking fees high enough already?

Doug E Lachance, White Rock


Peace Arch News