Keep ideas coming

The importance of a supportive environment cannot be overstated when it comes to developing new concepts and fresh ideas.

When four members of the Summerland Fire Department noticed a difficulty during rescue training, they decided to find a new solution.

The result is a small collapsible cart which can be used to rescue a downed firefighter from a burning building.

The four members, firefighters Billy Boerboom, Duncan Dubé, John Gove and assistant fire chief Chad Gartrell, designed the cart to suit the needs of their department and firefighters elsewhere

Next week, they will present their device to a panel of business experts for the Dragon’s Den television show.

The cart could assist firefighters across North America in their rescue efforts since it provides a much more efficient and less strenuous solution than the conventional method of dragging a firefighter out of a building.

The cart is remarkable not just because of what it can do for firefighters but because it is also the second significant invention to come out of Summerland this year.

In January, Jai Zachary, another Summerland inventor, developed a device which combines hot water heating, space heating, air conditioning and backup electricity into one efficient unit.

The firefighters’ invention and Zachary’s device are two examples of innovations which developed here.

In both cases, those involved had the freedom to develop their ideas. They were able to consider new or unusual solutions to existing problems.

The importance of a supportive environment cannot be overstated when it comes to developing new concepts and fresh ideas.

Those with new ideas need the freedom to consider and develop them.

We know there are others who have brilliant ideas here and we encourage them to keep pursuing those ideas.


Summerland Review