Keep out of schools

Recently we received a package sent home from school with one of our children regarding a planned “immunization” program

Recently we received a package sent home from school with one of our children regarding a planned “immunization” program. Included in this package were two consent forms and information concerning the vaccines.

It was obvious to me that the information forms played down the possible reactions to the vaccine while making the benefits look very good.

Even the excessive use of the word immunization instead of vaccination I believe to be intentional bias.

The fact is vaccination does not guarantee immunization. Locally I know of a family where all of the children vaccinated for whooping cough developed whooping cough symptoms after receiving the vaccination. This is not an isolated case.

In my own family our child started seizures within 24 hours of his vaccination, this continued for the rest of his short life causing many other physical and mental problems.

He died just short of his 25th birthday, was never able to talk, or walk.

At the time of this “immunization” the health unit refused assistance identifying what was later determined to be a reaction to the vaccine.

This was not the only child in our family with a reaction. One of our daughters was hallucinating.

She was hiding as her toys appeared to be growing arms as were household plants, she was afraid.

She seemed to recover after a few days. We have not vaccinated any of our children since and they are all very healthy.

The vaccines being given in this case are for diseases that I had as a child, along with most of my neighbourhood friends.

During my many years in the Armed Forces I received numerous immunizations for things not common in Canada as it was expected that I might be deployed to parts of the world where there were biohazards.

I never had much of a reaction to any of these, but others receiving the same were often sick or off work for periods of time immediately after.

I do not agree that our school children be used as a medium for these programs.

I would like to see the material kept out of the schools.

If people wish to receive vaccinations they could attend the local health unit.

Warren Goodwin




Vernon Morning Star