Keep political opinion out of the sports pages

Dear Sir:

Dear Sir:

RE: Skeena Angler, Sept. 14, 2017.

I have to tell you, I don’t appreciate the last two pages of the Sept. 14 paper being occupied by ads and a caustic political diatribe by Rob Brown against Christy Clark and the BC Liberal party.

I thought the title was “Ripple Rock”? How does dynamiting a rock 70 years ago tie in with the suggestion we jail Christy Clark, who, by the way, committed no crime other than being a forceful female leader committed to her agenda?

The column is just fine when it sticks to fishing. You should be including this in the opinion section of your paper when it does not.

If I want to hear a retired guy rage on about politics I can call my father any time I like. I don’t need it in the sports section of my local paper.

Tim Moser

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard