Keep Terry’s dream alive by running

Run in Hope continues the Fox legacy

The 31st year of the Terry Fox Run/Walk is coming up soon in Hope. Terry had a dream in l980 to try to raise $1 for every Canadian citizen. To date, over $500 million has been raised in his name. We cannot let his dream to fight the dreaded cancer die. We all are touched by this disease in one way or another, and as Terry said in Toronto, “somewhere the hurting has to stop!”

Please join  with others here in Hope to walk, run, cycle or stroll to show your support. Bring a friend, a neighbour and a donation or a pledge. If you can’t participate, drop by the recreation centre with a donation. Every dollar helps.

Registration is at 8:30 a.m. and the “Run” starts at 9 a.m. The official distance is 5 km, but you can go just as far as you can or want to!

Incidentally, Terry ran about 3,000 miles, and had to stop as you know because cancer had returned. We must carry on with “Terry’s dream” and help find a cure.

See you there!

Eileen Shepherd

Volunteer & cancer survivor



Agassiz Observer