Keep the caretaker

In regards to Denyse Widdifield’s June 25 letter to the editor about the caretaker living rent-free on the Heritage Forest property.

In regards to Denyse Widdifield’s June 25 letter to the editor about the caretaker living rent-free on the Heritage Forest property.

I have not seen such a vicious and vitriolic rant in a long time. Apparently, this man looks after the welfare of the Heritage Forest, doing a satisfactory job and causing no trouble. In fact, he stops much potential trouble by his presence.

The letter writer’s attack on council, or anyone else connected with his tenancy, is totally unjustified. Is there not a scrap of kindness and decency left that would accept that the current arrangement appears to work well with no cost to anyone?

The letter writer’s talk of lawsuits and costs to the town are ridiculous. If necessary, a simple, signed agreement, releasing the town of any liability for his tenancy, should take care of an already-smooth-running situation.

It seems that Widdifield is intent on extracting money from someone, no matter who. We are not living in New York City where lawyers can slap on a lawsuit for sneezing too loudly. We are a small community where kindness and consideration are a common commodity. Does helping someone along, who helps us maintain our rural atmosphere, really have to be turned into lawsuits and dollars and cents?

If Widdifield were to spend some time seeing how this man lives and what good he does, first hand, it may unwind her spring a little before it breaks, sending shrapnel throughout her life, as well as that of others. Remember, there are many who need our hearts, hands, and listening ear.

Jon Page

Qualicum Beach

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