Keep the clock where it is

I guess it's time for my annual, perhaps semi-annual, tirade about daylight savings time… how are you all handling the time change?

I guess it’s time for my annual, perhaps semi-annual, tirade about daylight savings time… how are you all handling the time change?

I find it very difficult every time it changes, doesn’t seem to matter which way it goes, ahead or back. Some of us have sleep issues at the best of times, moving the clock forwards and backwards just compounds the problem.

I recall how difficult it was when my kids were young, chasing them to bed an hour before their internal clocks were ready or trying to pry them out an hour earlier than they were programmed for. Does it really make that much difference to our lives? It would seem to me that we have the same number of hours of daylight no matter what the clock says. Would it be possible for Canada to lead the way on this issue? If we really need daylight at 10 p.m. during the summer, let’s just stay on daylight time year round… it’s dark in the morning in the winter for most of us anyway, will it make that much difference to be dark an hour longer?

I know, this isn’t a new idea, but it’s one that keeps popping up with nobody really answering the question, why not? Please somebody, explain it to me.

On a much brighter note, it will be Saint Patrick’s Day on Saturday. It’s wonderful how we all can become Irish for a day, wear and drink the green and just be plain cheerful! It’s an uplifting day that confirms spring is just around the corner in spirit, if not in fact. I hope you all enjoy it.

The wind that is howling outside my window brings back memories of winters on the prairies… I do love wind, but more so during the summer months.  It is sure moving the snow away in a hurry though.

It will be spring break for our school kids over the next couple of weeks. I know traffic is quite a bit heavier already with some of the Alberta and neighbouring school districts out a week earlier than ours. This is the beginning of the new season folks, I understand that the Alberta Family Day weekend was a pretty good one for most of our merchants.  Ready, set, go!

Marilyn Berry is publisher of The Valley Echo

Invermere Valley Echo