Keep the election momentum going

Successful Council candidate extends his appreciation to everyone who assisted with the elections.

Dear Editor

To all the persons who voted in the recent local elections I would like to say a heartfelt thank you.

In addition to those who voted, special recognition must go to the people who helped make this election remarkable by transporting voters to the polling places, working on or attending the candidate forums, participating in discussions in the Election 2014 Facebook group set up by Wendy Coomber, and by involving students in Student Vote BC, a parallel election. Together all these efforts helped make our election participation a standout, particularly the 51 per cent of eligible voters who turned out in Ashcroft. And, to those voters who deemed me worthy of their support, I express my most sincere gratitude.

I look forward to working with Mayor-elect Jeyes and councillors-elect Roden, Lambert and Trill as a co-operative and unified Village of Ashcroft Council throughout the next four years. There is a lot of work ahead that must seriously be undertaken to make Ashcroft a town that is progressive and livable into the future for all it’s residents. I hope the voters of our village will be happy with their choices.

As Council-elect prepares to assume office let us not forget the work and efforts of the outgoing Council. Best wishes and thanks to everyone who served.

Please remember to stay involved. It is important that Council hear suggestions, critiques and applauds during the next four years. Don’t wait until the next election for your voice to be heard.

Al Mertens ( )

Ashcroft Councillor-elect

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal