Keep your mitts off city staff wages

City councillors can address compensation when contracts come up for re-negotiation. In the meantime, honour existing contracts, reader says

To the Editor,

Re:  City wages on block, March 13.

When the provincial government introduced legislation (Bill 29) in 2002 to gut union contracts, most fair-minded people were outraged.

In 2004, when the same government enacted Bill 37 that further eroded contracts by arbitrarily reducing wages by 15 per cent, most fair-minded people were again outraged.

Whether union or non-union, hourly paid or salaried employee, a contract is a contract and must be respected.

So it was with great dismay that I read that city councillor Wendy Kerr, herself an HEU member and victim of gutted health care contracts, has proposed that the contracts of city management staff be opened for the purpose of reducing the wages.

I am a city taxpayer.  While I support cost saving measures where feasible, I do not support cost-cutting on the backs of any employees.

A contract is a contract. You will have an opportunity to address compensation when contracts come up for re-negotiation.  In the meantime, honour your existing contracts. Hands off!

Nancy Czigany,

Port Alberni

Alberni Valley News