Ken’s Country Kitchen: Getting creative with sweet potatoes, not just on Thanksgiving

The good news is the incredible fall colours we see around our communities and out in the woods.

There’s good news and bad news with fall here.

The good news is the incredible fall colours we see around our communities and out in the woods.

Fall is a really super time of the year for picture takers.

The bad news, as witnessed by the snow we have already had, is that winter is just around the corner and that means cool weather.

In the Cariboo we had a pretty cool summer compared to many parts of the province.

I was going to use a sweet potato recipe for Thanksgiving but opted for the brined smoked turkey instead.

Anyhow, sweet potatoes have always had a soft spot for my taste buds and when I grew up in Saskatchewan we had sweet potatoes throughout the year, not just Thanksgiving and Christmas, as is the case for lots of folks.

Sweet potatoes are often confused with yams.

It is not a member of the yam family nor is it related to the common potato.

Sweet potatoes are a starch, sweet root vegetable that is very healthy.

Sweet potato can be sliced, fried, or baked like potato chips or french fries. I like them cut into french fries, salted and then baked in the oven.

Here’s a sweet potato recipe that is probably different from the way most people use this root vegetable.

Baked stuffed

sweet potatoes


• 4 medium sweet potatoes

• 1 tbsp butter

• 1/2 tsp salt

• 1 tbsp milk

• 1, 8 ounce can crushed pineapple, drained and save the liquid

• 6 marshmallows

Bake potatoes at 450 degrees until soft.

Cut each potato in half lengthwise and scoop out potato leaving the shell intact.

Mash sweet potatoes with butter, salt and milk along with 1/2 cup crushed pineapple.

Fill potato shells then slice marshmallows in half and top each potato with two halves.  Top with a spoonful of crushed pineapple.

Put reserved pineapple syrup or juice into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Drizzle each potato with a little juice and then put into a broiler until browned.

There are so many ways to cook this wonderful vegetable. Be creative and have some fun with this tasty potato.

Bye for now and Gooood Cooking.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune