Kersley students, staff and parent volunteers enjoy a delightful day tobogganing and skating in Quesnel.

Kersley students, staff and parent volunteers enjoy a delightful day tobogganing and skating in Quesnel.

Kersley students treated to a day of fun in Quesnel

Staff and volunteer parents, along with the whole Kersley school enjoyed tobogganing and skating along with hot chocolate and cookies

Kersley elementary school took their annual winter field trip to downtown Quesnel, mid-December. The kids could chose either tobogganing in Lebourdais Park or skating in the Arena.

But, there would be no hot chocolate and no cookies this year one child told his mom Wednesday evening.

So on the day of the excursion, one mom decided to ask the principal at Kersley, Wanda Klics how many children. Her next step was to ask the Quesnel Observer if they would be interested in publishing some pictures and an article.

Mom’s next step was to ask for a kind Christmas gesture at Starbucks in Safeway – free hot chocolate for all the Kersley students. The nice manager with the awesome Christmas tree hat said “Yes.”

One hour later with hot chocolate ready to be picked up, Mrs. Winter from Winter Photo in town added her own donated gingerbread men cookies and coffee for the Kersley elementary staff and the volunteering parents.

After a lot of fun skating and tobogganing together, Mrs. Winter took a picture of the kids on the ice.

Afterwards the kids lined up and enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate and cookies.

This was thanks to the generous donations from Starbucks and Winter Photo.

Another beautiful day to remember for the kids from Kersley school!

Snow at Christmas and time together with friends will plant good roots in the hearts of our children.

Thanks to Principal Klics for organizing this trip. Thanks to the staff from the school and the volunteering parents as well. And thanks to the bus driver for driving the kids safely to town and back home.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer