Kevin Mitchell already has a track record

He has been active on propane cannon issue, and in researching Langley Township legal deals.

Editor: There are several new candidates running for Township council, but one isn’t so new. Kevin Mitchell has been working for the residents of Langley, unpaid, for several years. He is well known for his work on the cannon bylaw, but that’s only one of his contributions to making Langley a better place for you and me.

He has the interests of both urban and rural residents on his mind. He supports farming and the ALR, and also recognizes that farms have neighbours who may be negatively impacted by farming activities.

Last summer, he met on his own time with the deputy minister of agriculture, Darryl Sturko, in Victoria and the Minister of Agriculture, Norm Letnick, in Abbotsford to discuss solutions to rural-urban conflicts such as the use of propane cannons to control birds on berry farms.

He worked hard rewriting the Township Soil Removal and Deposit Bylaw, addressing problems with uncontrolled fill sites damaging neighbouring properties and the environment. Due to his efforts, and those of others, the Soil Deposit Bylaw was updated.

He has concerns about the growing debt facing the Township, and has done extensive research to reveal the shocking costs that council has incurred for legal fees associated with poorly-managed developments. Examples of these mismanaged projects include the recent Coulter Berry Building development, and the former plan to allow Matcon Construction to rehabilitate several former gravel pits, both of which ended in costly court battles at huge costs to Langley taxpayers.

It’s clear that he is prepared to do the work it takes to make intelligent and accountable decisions. We need him on council to bring back fiscal responsibility and to speak up for all Langley residents.

Sue Leyland,

Residents For Responsible Soil Deposits

Langley Times