Kids pen letters to Mayor Mark McKee

Megan Bouvette had her grade 6/7 class write letters to Mayor Mark McKee about how they’d like to see tax dollars spent.

Grade 6/7 teacher Megan Bouvette had her class write letters to Mayor Mark McKee about how they’d like to see tax dollars spent. She shared a few letters with the paper.

Dear Mark McKee,

I think you should spend our tax money on solar roadways. They are an eco-friendly solution to the tar roads. It is also a way to get our energy and instead of having to pave an entire road, each panel is removable. Also, instead of having to paint lines on roads, each panel has hundreds of L.E.D. lights that let you know if something is on the road. Also, you no longer have to pay for roads to be plowed because the panels are heated and melt the snow.  Thank you for listening to me.


James LeBuke


Dear Mark McKee,

Our grade seven class has been learning a bit about taxes. We learned about how taxes are spent on, for example, schools, hospitals, parks, etc.  I’m not sure if you will be reading this letter or not but if you are, here are some things that I think should also receive some tax money.

I think we should have some more money go towards Revelstoke Theatre Company and youth theatre productions. We had a great production put on this October. I also think we should have more family friendly ski runs on Revelstoke Mountain Resort.


Maya McDowell


Dear Mark McKee,

I think you should spend more of the taxes on plowing the streets. When the roads get plowed, all of the snow goes onto the sidewalks and that makes kids walk on the road when they go to school. It is dangerous for kids to walk on the road but we can’t walk on the sidewalk when the snow piled on it is taller than us. The snow should get pushed onto people’s lawns because no one needs to use their lawns in the winter but we do need sidewalks. Also, instead of pushing snow onto people’s driveways, it should go onto peoples lawns where kids can play with it and make adults have less work shoveling. That would mean people would be getting to work sooner because they wouldn’t need to shovel as much snow or drive their kids to school. Please use more tax money on plowing roads.


Zoe Larson


Dear Mark Mckee,

Congratulations on becoming mayor! I’m positive that you’ll do a great job! I have some thoughts on what we should pay taxex for. First, I think we should fix the pot holes because they are very dangerous for cars when they hit them. So, I think we should pave the roads so we are safe.

Another thing we should pay tax for is medical purposes, like medicine and new equipment. We need this because some people cannot afford to pay their doctor bills and we need to make sure everyone is healthy. These are the two things that I think we should pay taxes for.  It has been a pleasure writing to you.  I hope I can hear your opinions!


Julia McKenzie



Revelstoke Times Review