Kidsport helping children to get into sports

Dear editor,
Not all children are fortunate enough to be able to participate in organized sport.

Dear editor,Not all children are fortunate enough to be able to participate in organized sport.Some families are dealing with financial hardship and have difficulty providing the basics (food clothing, shelter).  A Kidsport community chapter was established in 2008 in the Comox Valley. The goal is to provide grants for children (aged six to 18) to participate in a sport for one season. We have established a hard working, energetic and dedicated committee for 2012. All our members are volunteers (100 per cent of local, donated funds go directly to the children). Some of our duties include; raising funds, adjudicating applications, talking to service groups, associations and individuals to promote the importance of Kidsport for our local children.  Grants per child are usually around around $200 (which provides one child the opportunity to participate in their chosen sport for a season).We have recently established a partnership with Blue Toque to help with equipment. They will sell donated sports equipment for Kidsport and then kids can use the credit to purchase equipment and gear for their sport. Kidsport is a registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Association and charitable donation receipts over $20 are available.  Thank you for taking the time to read about our organization. One of our members would be happy to meet with you or your organization and answer any questions you may have.Our website is currently a work in progress, and will provide you with a wealth of information about Kidsport in the Comox Valley.Allan Perich,Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record