Killing wolves contrary to province’s values

Brentwood Bay – I fiercely oppose the B.C. government’s wolf-kill program.

This inhumane activity is contrary to the values of many, if not most, British Columbians. We show wolves as revered, proud, free representatives of the wild on television and magazines on one hand, while authorizing the mass killing of them on the other – highly hypocritical.

Wolves are scapegoats that are being targeted for the inadequacy of this and previous provincial governments’ ability to effectively protect caribou habitat. Every bullet a wolf takes is taken for one of us.

The startling cowardice of this act is revealed when citizens realize that the approved Northern Gateway pipeline, approved Site C hydro project, proposed expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline and various LNG pipelines will do more harm to caribou herds than any wolf population.

This is an inexcusable act in an attempt to compensate for further caribou habitat loss by further interference with their migration routes, loss of natural landscape and increased exposure to hunters through the introduction of pipeline corridors. There are better solutions involving the immediate protection of caribou habitat from further loss than the slaughter of blameless wild animals.

I only hope that every politician involved in this decision comes back as a wolf in British Columbia in their next lifetime. This government does not represent me or my family.

Alan Hanna

Brentwood Bay

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